A Stena Confidential employee scanning a container.
What we offer

Traceable destruction – for your safety

Destruction at our facility

When your material is to be destroyed at our facility, we first ensure that it is collected and transported safely.

Read more about safe collection and transport

With our digital tracking system, every confidential waste container is carefully tracked from your company to our facilities, a necessity for safety and traceability. Destruction takes place quickly at our facilities and under complete control. Electronic devices and storage media are wiped, secret prototypes are destroyed in automated processes, and paper documents are shredded. Each step in the process is tracked by the tracking system and noted in your certificate of destruction. 

Environmentally friendly recycling after destruction

All complete destruction ends with material in paper documents, electronic devices or other products being ground into small fragments and particles. The materials are then separated for recycling. Stena Confidential not only strives for the highest safety for your confidential material, but also works actively for a sustainable society where materials are circulated to save resources and energy. Recycled materials can become new products or be used to create energy that is needed in society. 

Read more about how we work circularly

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